
Listen to my heart :)

My photo
San Jose, California, United States
简简单单的我, 拥有家人和朋友对我来说是一种福气. 有时侯, 很感性. 有时侯, 很坚强. 有时侯, 很懦弱. 有时侯, 很潇洒. 有时侯, 很大方. 有时侯, 很小气. 有时侯, 很烦躁. 有时侯, 很兴奋. 疼爱人的心, 是我的最爱. 分享我的故事,是我的习惯.

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Awww .. First parking ticket ever in my life .

Aww .. Finally , I received my first parking ticket when I parked my car at Eli's place .. :(  
Downtown SJ :(  I like downtown because is fun but the parking is really a trouble..

Aww .. that stupid blind officer said I don't have the parking permit displayed .. he must be drunk ..
It is so obvious that I have the parking permit inside my car 

Blind dumb officer ... 

I am glad Eli took care of the parking ticket. Hehe..

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