
Listen to my heart :)

My photo
San Jose, California, United States
简简单单的我, 拥有家人和朋友对我来说是一种福气. 有时侯, 很感性. 有时侯, 很坚强. 有时侯, 很懦弱. 有时侯, 很潇洒. 有时侯, 很大方. 有时侯, 很小气. 有时侯, 很烦躁. 有时侯, 很兴奋. 疼爱人的心, 是我的最爱. 分享我的故事,是我的习惯.

Friday, September 30, 2011

I saw this at Costco today

It looked so different .. :) 

Thursday, September 29, 2011

:) Celine Smile

Wednesday, September 28, 2011


Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Honeyberry :)

I really enjoyed the rotibun .
It is like home . 

Home sweet home :) 

Monday, September 26, 2011

I had a sweet dream :)

In the dream , you have protected me from all the harm ... 

I am liking it .. :) 

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Listen to this .....

生活是甜的,未来也是甜的.... :) 

I am a survivor ;)

Quote of the day - "You have to risk going too far to discover how far you can really go . "

Saturday, September 24, 2011

Muir Wood National Park

Quote of the day :)

"It is easier to forgive an enemy than to forgive a friend." William BlakeA

A fake liar - Savinder Juneja

Why can a fake liar still do not feel guilty of all the bad karma he did ? 

why can a person is so cruel and disgusted ? 

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Durian Love

My new friend who love Durian ... 

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Monday, September 19, 2011

Durian Lover

This is my favorite .... 

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Celine's Picture Collection


I always wanted to upload my pictures .. Finally, I spend sometime on it .. ;) 

Enjoy my views :) 

Golfland ;)

I have 47 for 18 holes .. 

I did pretty good .. :) 

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Hmm ... Nervous

I am having a full night sleep study today .. Not sure what to expect at all . 

I am kind of nervous .. :) 

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

A miracle


Monday, September 12, 2011

My birthday lunch - Ramen Salad :)

I am glad I can start my diet plan now ... 

Sunday, September 11, 2011

My birthday dinner with John

It was a wonderful night. Great conversation and lovely happy 19th birthday card from silly .. 

Volunteered at 911 Operation Care ..

We had a great time for BBQ today .. :) 

911 is a history and I hope we do not repeat the history . 

Celine Chang: Promotion to Event Coordinator

Finally , after my 3 events shadow with my volunteering events . 

I have been promoted to be be a event coordinator. 
:) Yipeeee .. It is a mixed feeling . I am a big time in volunteer . Not sure whether becoming a event coordinator will change anything . :) 

Saturday, September 10, 2011

As usual .. I like 9.10.11

I liked these special moments ... :) 

Happy 9.10.11 to Celine .

Muakss 9.10.11 .


This year I have received many wishes , care , dinners , lunches , cakes , and happiness .  Thanks for all the love . Sharing is caring . 

And, Thanks to Raziya for sharing the ugly truth about YOU . I am glad and it all make senses for all the lies and coward lies . 

My birthday surprises

These are the few birthday surprises I had today .. Thanks for bunch .. 

My Birthday French Dinner at Le Papilion

A yummy dinner follow by a super relaxing massage .... 
What else I could ask for ? :) 

I am in Heaven .. 

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