
Listen to my heart :)

My photo
San Jose, California, United States
简简单单的我, 拥有家人和朋友对我来说是一种福气. 有时侯, 很感性. 有时侯, 很坚强. 有时侯, 很懦弱. 有时侯, 很潇洒. 有时侯, 很大方. 有时侯, 很小气. 有时侯, 很烦躁. 有时侯, 很兴奋. 疼爱人的心, 是我的最爱. 分享我的故事,是我的习惯.

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

I am not dumb... :O)

Today, i met some people acted with a shallow mind.
They thought they are better than anyone because they are american.
They thought everyone except american is dumb.

Sometime, I wonder why I am so far away from home.
And trying to blend in to the culture and custom for a better life.
I WONDER why I am so far away from mom, dad, and families.
I wonder why I am so far away from sor po and sor lou.
And I have to be alone so far away.
Today, i felt so lonely.

I know I always like to challenge myself.
I know I can do it.
I always stand back up whenever i fell.
But, I really hate someone discriminate me because of my skin color.
I am not stupid.

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