The same question has been asked by my three sor po in 3 different days.
"Celine, How are you these days"
"I really want to know about you"
The first day was Phoebe Ng.. " She said, how is my ker wei"
The second day was Jeannie Lim.. " Jie, how are you"
The third day was Melanie Tan "R u ok?"
HMm.. 3 different days.. 3 differents ways.. 3 different sor po..
I just felt like i am so lucky because of faith.
i have 3 most important friends in my life.
As i told mel mel, the last few days i have been cleaning up my gmail.
I read about all those mail send from 3 sor po..
Those lovely picture send from 3 sor po.
Man... what can i say? i am the most lucky person in the whole.
i felt like no matter where we go.
our heart is always around..
we are always around for each other eventhough we are not physical there.
Dont you think that's the best? That's what i have been seeking for.
The true friendship.
We laughed together for every things.
We smile because we have each others
We Cried because we have each other shoulders to lean on.
We shared because we want each other to be there no matter what, when or what.
We learned from each other.
We scolded each other for certain things ( Celine always do that.. sorry.)
We supported each other because we know we are someone who can shared our friendship with.
What else can i complain?
Seriously, nothing i can complain.
Especially when i am so far away, i cant be there for yum cha, travel, birthday, hang out, movie.. and all those things.
But, you all never make me felt left out.
Never.. Not even onces
Most of my friends from USA know about my 3 sor po..
sorry, i showed everyone the picture of you all because it's in my purse.
Everyone asked me " How did you do that? "
Lots of people are proud of our friendship and our faith.
I know i have been saying that lots of time.
But, i am not shy, shame, bored to say that over and over again.
I just have to said